Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My Own Bedford Falls

So last Sunday I was feeling a bit under the weather. More precisely, I was cranky as heck with stuffed up sinus and coughing nasty things from my lungs. As I laid in bed miserable, I thought this would be the perfect time to watch "It's A Wonderful Life" with my son.  This is mine and Tucker's go to sick-day movie. This and Star Wars. Since it was the holidays and I was borderline crossing over to the darkside, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to view this holiday classic.

 I'm sure everyone is familar with the plotline. If you aren't, what rock have you been living under? Basically guy thinks that everyone would be better off without him, so he contemplates ending it all. Of course, God intervenes by sending an angel who shows him what his life and everyone elses would be like in an alternate universe Bedford falls. Turns out George Bailey was one heck of guy who helped out a lot of people and the world is a better place with him in it. Now, I'm not saying that I'm a heck of girl and the world is a better place with me in it (insert nice comments about me here), but I do try and that should be worth something.  I have seen "It's A Wonderful Life" close to a million times, but this Sunday was the first time I've noticed how similar my life is with George Bailey's. He is one frustrated dude. 

George had some big dreams. He wanted to travel the world, make a million dollars and more importantly, leave Bedford Falls. He didn't want to settle into the life his father had, working hard for nothing, raising a family in a small town. If you had asked my twenty years ago what my life would be like, I would've said "I'm a famous author!" or "I'm a famous actress!" (I couldn't decide at 14 what I wanted to do more, write or act). I definitely didn't think I would be living in the same small town I grew up in.

But here I am. In Blaine. My Bedford Falls where everyone knows me, which is a blessing and a curse. I'm married to a great guy (like the male version of Mary. Gentle, and deals well with my mood swings), I have two great kids and my job isn't too bad. I'm not famous, unless being Bridget and Tucker's mom counts as fame (personally, I think it should). Sometimes, I think I haven't done anything big in my life, then I look at my family and realize I probably have.

I finished watching the movie and Tucker, my 13-year-old who is full of wisdom (and does a pretty good Jimmy Steward impression) declared, "This is my favorite movie, because George Bailey got see what his life would be like if he wasn't alive, and then he got see all the he accomplished and what God gave him in his life." We probably wont see the impact we've made in this world until the end. I don't know how my life affects those around me each day. I do want the people I come in contact with to be able to laugh and feel good about themselves. I always try to give a friendly smile, if only to get one back in return. And like George, I've come to appreciate my Bedford Falls and the people who live in it. It really is a wonderful life. Okay, I know this was a bit cheesy, but I'm still getting over a cold and am all kinds of emotional right now. :D

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